Schlagwort: finance
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Demographic and Education Challenges: Where Do We Stand?
In 2008, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that financial support of the education and research sector is her key policy objective for the next years. She explicitly called for a ?Education Republic (...)
The environment as a multi-dimensional system: Taking off your rose coloured glasses
The Pudong area of Shanghai where the World Financial centre and other spectacular buildings reside on the East-side of the Huangpu River has transformed from what was little more than farmland and (...)
Zur Psychologie des Geldes
Beispielhafte Auswirkungen bei finanziellen Engpässen und der Digitalisierung
Aufgrund ihrer begrenzt vorhandenen Rationalität (?bounded rationality?) ergreifen Menschen kognitive Abkürzungsstrategien (sog. Heuristiken), um Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dabei werden Faktoren (...)