Schlagwort: E-Commerce
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Fashion marketing: Theoretical Analysis and successful practical applications
The purpose of this essay is to provide a better insight into relevant marketing activities and techniques that are undertaken within the dynamic environment of the fashion industry. While offline (...)
Grundlagen des E-Commerce in der Tourismuswirtschaft
1. Überblick: Tourismuswirtschaftliche Leistungs- und Wertschöpfungsprozesse und informationstechnologische Strukturen

2 Global-Distribution-Systems (GDS)
Internationale (...)
Lieferservice im Online-Lebensmittelhandel
Spannungsfeld zwischen den Erwartungen der Konsumenten und den Leistungsversprechen der Anbieter
Der Online-Lebensmittelhandel verzeichnet derzeit noch einen eher geringen Anteil am Gesamtumsatz des B2C E-Commerce, er ist aber nicht nur aufgrund einer exponentiell gestiegenen Nachfrage in der (...)
Personalization of E-Commerce Applications in SMEs
Conclusions from an Empirical Study in Switzerland
Personalization of e-commerce applications is an issue that is gaining increasing importance with the advancing maturity of such systems. There is already e-commerce software on the market offering (...)
Sales Management im Luxussegment
Die Rolle des Sales Managers in Luxusgüterunternehmen
Die Aufgabenfelder des Sales Managers in Luxusgüterunternehmen, wie auch seine Anforderungen in diesem sensiblen Segment, unterscheiden sich wesentlich im Vergleich zu denen eines gewöhnlichen Sales (...)
Strategic Positioning of E-Commerce Business Models in the Portfolio of Corporate Banking
The emergence of e-commerce leads to a fundamental change for the financial industry. The transition into a digital economy produces numerous new opportunities as well as great risks. B2B e-commerce (...)
The Deployment of Chip Cards for Micropayments in Electronic Marketplaces
The implementation of a user-friendly, trustworthy electronic payment system is, without any doubt, a critical success factor for the global breakthrough of electronic shopping applications. The (...)
The E-Business Navigator: Implementing a Classification Scheme for the E-Domain
The paper describes research activity for the development of the "e-business navigator" ? a graphical representation of a classification scheme for the e-business domain. The need for a common (...)
The Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM) applied
Do websites for consumer goods stand the test?
The paper presents an analysis of four commercial Web sites in the consumer goods sectors. The Web sites were evaluated using the Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM), an evaluation tool which has (...)
The Participatory Electronic Product Catalog: Supporting Customer Collaboration in E-Commerce Applications
As increasing numbers of consumers use the Internet as a geographically and temporally distributed interactive, multimedia platform to conduct business, new strategic considerations dictate that (...)
Web Assessment - A Model for the Evaluation and Assessment of successful Electronic Commerce Applications
The original reason for the research was triggered by a disappointment felt by the authors when using the Web as research tool and business medium. Many sites feature fancy graphics, well organized (...)
Web Assessment - Measuring the Effectiveness of Electronic Commerce Sites Going Beyond Traditional Marketing Paradigms
Successfully conducting business on the Internet calls for new marketing paradigms that meet the requirements of the unique combination of its inherent characteristics: electronic markets, (...)
Web Assessment: Applied to the Agreement and Settlement Phase
One of the most profound consequences of the ongoing information revolution is its influence on how economic value is created and extracted. The new information infrastructure redefines the (...)
Web site evaluation: Do Web applications meet user expectations?
Music, consumer goods and e-banking on the test bed
The paper presents an analysis of twelve commercial Web sites in three different business sectors: music, consumer goods, and e-banking. The Web sites were assessed using the Extended Web Assessment (...)
Web site evaluation: Do Web applications meet user expectations?
Music, consumer goods and e-banking on the test bed
The paper presents an analysis of twelve commercial Web sites in three different business sectors: music, consumer goods, and e-banking. The Web sites were assessed using the Extended Web Assessment (...)
Zahlungsmethoden für Online-Shops:
Eine Studie zum Einsatz in der Schweiz und daraus abgeleitete Entscheidungskriterien für die Auswahl
Das Thema "E-Business" ist an der FHBB ein thematischer Schwerpunkt, zu dem am Institut für angewandte Betriebsökonomie (IAB) ein "Kompetenzzentrum E-Business" geschaffen wurde. In diesem (...)