Outsmarting the MNCs by fitting strategic manoeuvres to national framing: evidence from India |
This paper focuses on how Indian home-grown companies captured MNCs
market in India with the help of strategic maneuvering and understanding their own
capabilities. Seizing the framework of Porter´s Natinal Diamond this research
follows a caselet approach for illustrating these strategies. The study´s originality
springs from understanding changes in demand pattern brought by home-grown
companies in the Indian market. A key implication of this paper is that the demand
conditions and firm strategy (by means of targeting and developing the customers
systematically) are the key components of success as learned from Porter´s Diamond.
The study provides insights into understanding Indian middle class perception and
behavior towards MNCs offerings and later for home-grown companies. |
Autor |
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner Swati Singh |
Artikel |  | Fachbereich |  | Fachrichtung | 2017 |  | Betriebswirtschaftslehre |  | Marketing/Absatz |
Schlagwörter |
India, MNC, Porter Diamond Model, emerging economics, home-grown |