Big Data Analytics and Firm Performance: A Systematic Review |
The literature on big data analytics and firm performance is still fragmented and lacking in attempts to integrate the current studies? results. This study aims to provide a systematic review of (...) |
The Impact of Perceived Innovativeness on Maintaining a Buyer-Seller Relationship in Health Care Markets: A Cross-Cultural Study |
This article focuses on the importance of perceived innovativeness, as
well as corporate reputation, for the buyer?seller relationship and, therefore,
enhances previous studies of customer (...) |
Cultural adaption of hypermedia: A contemporary state of the art of industrial practice and improvements by multi-trees |
Culturally adapted hypermedia design attracts increasing scientific attention. Complementing the conventional
human-computer interaction studies we investigate the current state of companies? (...) |
Green supply chain management in food retailing: survey-based evidence in Croatia |
Purpose ? Green supply chain management (GSCM) research is so far dominated by studies focusing on manufacturing companies, while research on retailers is missing. The purpose of this study is to (...) |
Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Firm Performance in a Post-Socialist Market Context: the Case of Hungary |
Entrepreneurial orientation provoked the interest of numerous scholars as
well as political and administrative decision-makers. Both start-ups and already
established corporate entities are (...) |
Intimacy of Russian Upper Middle Class with Luxury Fashion |
Russia has developed into one of the most important markets for
luxury goods in the world. The aim of this study is to determine the
factors influencing Russian consumers? intentions to purchase (...) |
Putting sustainable supply chain management into base of the pyramid research |
Purpose ? The aim of this paper is to analyze which sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) arguments are addressed in the base of the pyramid (BoP)-related research. BoP projects address how (...) |
Shared experiences and awareness from learning in a student multicultural environment: Measuring skills? development in intercultural intensive programs |
The aim is to analyze the skills and attitudes development of multicultural teams. In
todays? environment, business interconnectivity and multicultural societies are becoming the
normal way of (...) |
Common and Contradictory Motivations in Buying Intentions for Green and Luxury Automobiles |
Luxury is often blamed for creating social inequality and hampering sustainability,
especially in the social and environmental realms. For instance, luxury goods entice people to
conspicuous (...) |
How Indian home-grown businesses outsmart the MNCs |
This paper aims to focus on how home-grown Indian companies explored the potential of Indian
middle class and realized an opportunity to seize the market gap not catered by MNCs in India. Across (...) |
A Comprehensive Look at Luxury Brand Marketing Research from 2000 to 2016: A Bibliometric Study and Content Analysis |
The purpose of this study is to examine how scholarly research on luxury brand mar-
keting has evolved in the twenty-first century. This literature review focuses on 242
articles related to luxury (...) |
Cross-Cultural Variations in Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review of International Studies |
This study presents a review of 85 peer-reviewed publications of cross-cultural variations in consumer behavior. The objectives of this study are to systemize conceptual and methodological approaches (...) |
Luxury brands do not glitter equally for everyone |
Previous studies indicate that Westerners and
non-Westerners vary in terms of culture and in the degree
of focus on objects and the background of advertisings. In
this study, the divergences in (...) |
How Digitalization Changes the Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence |
The internationalization of firms has mainly been analyzed and explained by
considering observations in a pre-digital business environment. Thus, the applicability
of the internationalization (...) |
Big Data Analytics and Firm Performance: A Systematic Review |
The literature on big data analytics and firm performance is still fragmented and lacking in
attempts to integrate the current studies? results. This study aims to provide a systematic review (...) |
Entrepreneurial Marketing in the Last Decade ? A Literature Review |
Marketing and Entrepreneurship research streams have flourished in the last decade. Their
intersection ?entrepreneurial marketing? however, is still in its infancy and the link between these (...) |
The Acceptance of Mobility Payments in the German Retail Market |
The acceptance of mobile payments is one of the research challenges of high strategic relevance in retailing. Most of the previous studies of mobile payment field focus on consumers? opinions, (...) |
Linking entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance in a post-socialist market context: the case of Hungary |
Entrepreneurial orientation provoked the interest of numerous scholars as
well as political and administrative decision-makers. Both start-ups and already
established corporate entities are (...) |
How digitalization changes the internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence |
The internationalization of firms has mainly been analyzed and explained by
considering observations in a pre-digital business environment. Thus, the applicability
of the internationalization (...) |
Green luxury: new divide in positioning strategies needed? |
a basic and commonly shared implicit definition of luxury is "something superfluous". onsuming such products and services contradits the modern paradigm of
sustainable consumption. However, luxury (...) |
Co-creation of value in the digital age: disruption management in B2B and B2G relationships |
Internet of Things (IoT) research investigates the idea that a wide array of devices can be interconnected
to enable these entities to be located, identified, and even operated without any human (...) |
A literature review on entrepreneurship at the Base-of-the-Pyramid: how B2B entrepreneurs make a difference in customer communication and CRM |
Entrepreneurial activities provide impoverished individuals with opportunities for participation by
means of employment, education, capacity and business building. This literature review focuses on (...) |
Post-crises response strategies: a combined model to manage brand crises |
Brand crises are unexpected events negatively affecting a brand?s perceived ability to deliver
expected benefits and consequently reducing brand equity. Post-crisis response strategies may (...) |
Remarks on the behavioristic analysis of competitive reactions |
Eine der vordringlichsten gegenw ?artigen Herausforderungen
an die quantitative Management-Wissenschaft ist die Modellierung und Analyse
von Wettbewerbsaktionen und -reaktionen. Dem begrenzten (...) |
An Internet-Based Approach to Environmental Scanning in Marketing Planning |
This paper introduces a new approach for autonomous internet-based environmental
scanning, which combines concept of weak signals with ?information foraging (...) |
Contemporary Marketing Practices in Russia. European Journal of Marketing |
This study investigates the validity of the relationship paradigm in contrast with the
marketing-mix paradigm with respect to modern Russian markets. Moreover, the specifics of Russian
marketing (...) |
Identifying Patterns of Customer Response to Price Endings |
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new approach for the identification of price thresholds, which enables learning true thresholds
from previous buying decisions recorded in POS scanner (...) |
Impact of Direct Marketing Activities on Company Reputation Transfer Success: Empirical Evidence from Five Different Cultures |
Extending previous research on commitment
and trust, we challenge the cultural impact on
the organization?s reputation and, particularly,
reputation transfer to new business fields. (...) |
Mining Promising Qualification Patterns |
The skills to impart in academic management education are subject of
controversial debates. In this paper a web mining approach of learning promising
qualification patterns from job openings in the (...) |
Environmental Scanning in Marketing Planning - An Internet-Based Approach |
This paper introduces a new approach for autonomous internet-based environmental
scanning, which combines concept of weak signals with ?information foraging (...) |
Countering Negotiation Power Asymmetries with the Adjusted Winner Algorithm? |
Despite considerable interest in the improvement of negotiation results, commercial
negotiations rarely follow formal negotiation procedures. This study investigates the
relationship between (...) |
Report for Chambers of Commerce and Start-up Centres |
Blends of formal and informal networks characterize local entrepreneurial eco-systems
(Maroufkhani & Wagner, 2017). Formal networks are made up of interactions of all local, state,
and federal (...) |
Modeling and Measuring of Competitive Reactions to Changes of Marketing Mix at the Retail Level |
Since the methods of measuring consumer response to changes in
marketing mix have been improved successively in the last years, the problem of
analyzing and forecasting competitive reactions has (...) |
Marketing |
Die Professionalität der Marktbearbeitung entscheidet in einem hohen Maße über
den Erfolg oder Misserfolg einer Unternehmung. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Sättigung der Märkte in Verbindung mit einer (...) |
The Number of Clusters in Market Segmentation |
Learning the 'true' number of clusters in a given data set is a fundamental and largely unsolved problem in data analysis, which seriously affects the
identification of customer segments in (...) |
Strategisches Marketing |
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Marketingplanung ist es, dass das
Unternehmen entsprechend seiner zentralen Betätigungsfelder ausgerichtet ist. Die
langfristige Planung der (...) |
Produktpolitik |
Gegenstand der Produktpolitik sind die im Zusammenhang mit der Ausgestaltung
des Leistungsprogramms eines Unternehmens zu treffenden Entscheidungen. In Abschnitt 4.1 werden zunächst die Grundlagen (...) |
Unternehmen als Akteure und Objekte des Dialogs |
Die geänderten Kommunikationsbedingungen in den Diensten des Web 2.0 haben einen
erheblichen Einfluss auf die moderne Marketingkommunikation. In diesem Beitrag wird
begründet, warum die bewährte (...) |
Enhancing Target Group Selection Using Belief Functions |
One of the most critical decisions in customer relationship management, interactive marketing, and in direct marketing is the assignment
of customers to groups with similar response characteristics. (...) |
Vertriebspolitik |
Das vierte Instrument des Marketing-Mix ist die Vertriebspolitik. Des öfteren findet
sich hierfür auch der Begriff Distributionspolitik, der auf die Anfänge des Marketing zurückgeht. Im Laufe der (...) |
Kommunikationspolitik |
Während die Produkt- und die Preispolitik auf die Leistungserstellung gerichtet sind,
befasst sich die Kommunikationspolitik mit der Leistungsdarstellung gegenüber den
relevanten Zielgruppen eines (...) |
Marketingrelevante Grundlagen der Entscheidungstheorie |
Ein profundes Verständnis des Zustandekommens und der Konsequenzen von Entscheidungen ist für das Marketing aus zwei Gründen von besonderer Bedeutung:
Zum einen verfolgt das Marketingmanagement das (...) |
Preispolitik |
Die Preispolitik und der Preis als Entscheidungskriterium haben in den letzten Jahren
zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen und sich als ?eine der schärfsten Marketingwaffen? (Diller (2008, S. 21)) (...) |
Einführung in das Marketing |
Das Marketing in seiner heutigen Form ist eine noch vergleichsweise junge Disziplin der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Die Wurzeln der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit betriebswirtschaftlichen (...) |
Direktmarketing in Russland: Der Schlüssel zu den russischen Wachstumsmärkten? |
Die Märkte im Osten Europas boomen, während die westeuropäischen Märkte nur zaghaft wachsen und in den USA sogar eine Stagnation der Nachfrage in vielen Branchen nicht auszuschließen ist. (...) |
The Internet of Things ? Chance and challenge in industrial business relationships |
The term ?Internet-of-Things (IoT)? was first introduced by Ashton
(2009) to describe how IoT can be created by ?adding radiofrequency
identification and other sensors to everyday objects?. Today, (...) |
Is your perception of luxury similar to mine? A concept made of absolute and relative features |
Luxury is a relative feature of goods and services. Despite the many empirical studies that have been conducted, marketing scholars have not agreed on a commom definition or interpretation of the (...) |
Remarks on the Behavioristic Analysis of Competitive Reactions |
One particularly predominant current challenge to quantitative management science is the modeling and analysis of competitive actions and reactions.
Approaches following the stimulus response (...) |
Growing Clustering Algorithms in Market Segmentation: Defining Target Groups and Related Marketing Communication |
This paper outlines innovative techniques for the segmentation of consumer markets. It compares a new self-controlled growing neural network with a
recent growing /c-means algorithm. A critical (...) |
Patterns of Associations in Finite Sets of Items |
Mining association rules is well established in quantitative business
research literature and makes up an up-and-coming topic in marketing practice.
However, reducing the analysis to the assessment (...) |
Mining Promising Qualification Patterns |
The skills to impart in academic management education are subject of
controversial debates. In this paper a web mining approach of learning promising
qualification patterns from job openings in the (...) |
Classifying Contemporary Marketing Practices |
This paper introduces a finite-mixture version of the adjacent-category logit model
for the classification of companies with respect to their marketing practices. The classification
results are (...) |
Impact of Direct Marketing Activities on Company Reputation Transfer Success: Empirical Evidence from Five Different Cultures |
Extending previous research on commitment
and trust, we challenge the cultural impact on
the organization?s reputation and, particularly,
reputation transfer to new business fields. (...) |
Event Detection in Environmental Scanning |
Recognizing current and future developments in the business environment is a major challenge in business planning. Although modern information
retrieval (IR) technologies become more and more (...) |
Exploring the Interaction Structure of Weblogs |
Weblogs (short blogs) are fundamentally changing our way of communication, a phenomenon which has led to the creation of a new type of social
interaction. One interesting feature of this virtual (...) |
Marketing Communication to and with Net Citizens: Targeting by Means of a Social Network Analysis Approach |
Empirical investigations of the time devoted to Internet interactions indicate that this time
surpasses the time spent passively watching TV. This provides marketers with new
communication (...) |
Classification in Marketing Science |
This paper explores the role of clustering and classification methods in
marketing beyond the prominent application of market segmentation (cf. Data analysis and decision support, Springer, Berlin, (...) |
Targeting Key Influentials for Direct Marketing Activities in Social Networks: Methodical Progress and an Application |
Social networks and virtual communities provide credible information about customers?
opinions and facilitate innovative customer dialogues. We build upon Kosinets? netnography
to extract consumer (...) |
Symbolic consumption of luxury: An Example of luxury fashion goods in Russia |
Despite all changes and crises Russia has developed to one of the most important market for luxury
goods in the world. Economic developments in the course of the last decade, rapidly growing (...) |
Outsmarting the MNCs by fitting strategic manoeuvres to national framing: evidence from India |
This paper focuses on how Indian home-grown companies captured MNCs
market in India with the help of strategic maneuvering and understanding their own
capabilities. Seizing the framework of (...) |
Impact of Direct Marketing Activities on Company Reputation Transfer Success: Empirical Evidence from Five Different Cultures |
Extending previous research on commitment and trust, we challenge the cultural impact on the organization?s reputation and, particularly, reputation transfer to new business fields. A theory-based (...) |
Emotionen im crossmedialen Dialog: Messen - Steuern - Kontrollieren |
In diesem Beitrag wird die Bedeutung der Emotionen für Kaufentscheidungen
herausgearbeitet. Die Auswertung einschlägiger Studien kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass es der überwiegenden Teil menschlicher (...) |
Gaining ´Consumer Insights´ from Influential Actors in Weblog Networks |
Worldwide, weblog users make up a permanently growing conversation database including private topics, but also discussions about services, products and brands. Hyperlinks create a social network (...) |