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Is Strong Reciprocity a Maladaptation?
On the Evolutionary Foundations of Human Altruism
In recent years a large number of experimental studies have documented the existence of strong reciprocity among humans. Strong reciprocity means that people willingly repay gifts and punish the violation of cooperation and fairness norms even in anonymous one-shot encounters with genetically experimental evidence suggesting that ultimate evolutionary explanations of strong reciprocity. can rationalize strong reciprocity only if it is viewed as maladaptive behavior whereas the evidence suggests that it is an adaptive trait. Thus, we conclude that alternative evolutionary approaches are needed to provide ultimate accounts of strong reciprocity.
Prof. Dr. Ernst Fehr
Joseph Henrich
Working PaperFachbereichFachrichtung
2005VolkswirtschaftslehreEmpirische Wirtschaftsforschung
altruism, evolutionary foundations, maladaptation, reciprocity