Schlagwort: E-Business
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Proceedings of the Ninth Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets 2002
Background of the Ninth Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM)
The Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM) is an annual event destined to provide a forum (...)
The E-Business Navigator: Implementing a Classification Scheme for the E-Domain
The paper describes research activity for the development of the "e-business navigator" ? a graphical representation of a classification scheme for the e-business domain. The need for a common (...)
The Participatory Electronic Product Catalog: Supporting Customer Collaboration in E-Commerce Applications
As increasing numbers of consumers use the Internet as a geographically and temporally distributed interactive, multimedia platform to conduct business, new strategic considerations dictate that (...)
Virtual Communities of Transaction: The Role of Personalization in Electronic Commerce
Bringing communities of buyers and sellers together in the arena of electronic commerce stimulates three major potentials: the building of trust, the collection and effective use of community (...)