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Agents? Rationality and the CHF/USD Exchange Rate
Part I
The analysis of monthly exchange rates is carried out using a model of B.T. McCallum, which is based on the concept of Rational Expectations. Applying the model to the CHF/USD exchange rate, s t , starting a misspecification analysis, the RE component appears to be a weak point of the model. The theory of rational beliefs of M. Kurz generalizes the RE concept introducing special consideration of Data Generating Processes (DGP). We find, however, some evidence speaking against the applicability of the rational belief approach (with respect to s t).
Prof. Dr. Hermann Garbers
Working PaperFachbereichFachrichtung
2005VolkswirtschaftslehreEmpirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Dollar, Swiss Franc, Rationalität, dollar, Schweizer Franken, exchange rate, Wechselkurse, rationality