Autor: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Margit Osterloh
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Shareholders should welcome employees as directors
The most influential theory of corporate governance, principal agency theory, does not take into
consideration that the key task of modern corporations is to generate and transfer (...)
Organisation und Geschlecht ? Eine Netzwerkperspektive
Welche Netzwerkstruktur fördert die Karrieremobilität?
Die Situation von Frauen und Männern hat heute in vielen Bereichen der Arbeitswelt eine Angleichung der Chancen erfahren (Wirth 2001). Frauen verfügen inzwischen über die gleichen schulischen (...)
Open Source software development ? just another case of collective invention?
Open Source software projects are examples of an innovation and organization model, which relies neither on the price system nor on formal hierarchies nor on contracts. Does Open Source (OS) (...)
Trust and Community in Open Source Software Production
Open source software production is a successful new innovation model which disproves that only private ownership of intellectual property rights fosters innovations. It is analyzed here under which (...)
Open Source software development ? just another case of collective invention?
Open Source software projects are examples of an innovation and organization model, which relies neither on the price system nor on formal hierarchies nor on contracts. Does Open Source (OS) (...)
Motivation, Knowledge Transfer, and Organizational Forms
Employees are motivated intrinsically as well as extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation is crucial when tacit knowledge in and between teams must be transferred. Organizational forms enable different (...)
Corporate scandals are reflected in excessive top management compensation and fraudulent accounts. These scandals cause an enormous amount of damage, not only to the companies affected, but also to (...)
Die kommerzielle Nutzung von Open Source Software
Der Einfluss von sozialem Kapital
Open Source ist ein Sammelbegriff für Softwarelizenzen, die den Programmierern keine Eigentumsrechte an ihren Innovationen gewähren. Wir gehen der Frage nach, wie kommerzielle Unternehmen die (...)
Corporate scandals, reflected in excessive management compensation and fraudulent accounts, cause considerable damage. Agency theory?s insistence on linking the compensation of managers and directors (...)
Der schwere Weg von der Organisationstheorie zum Organisationsdesign
Die Ausdifferenzierung von organisationstheoretischen Paradigmen hat zu einem Auseinanderdriften von theoretischer und gestaltungsbezogener Literatur geführt. Wir haben Werke ausgewählt, die dennoch (...)
Human Resources Management and Knowledge Creation
Recently, Peter Drucker stated that less than one fifth of the workforce nowadays are bluecollar workers doing manual work, while white-collar workers doing knowledge work make up two fifths of the (...)