
|  | Gaining ´Consumer Insights´ from Influential Actors in Weblog Networks | Worldwide, weblog users make up a permanently growing conversation database including private topics, but also discussions about services, products and brands. Hyperlinks create a social network between weblogs in the course of a dialog. This new form of social interaction shifts power in B2C marketing communication towards the consumers.
In this study, wie visualize and analyze a social network of weblogs which discuss mobile communication devices. We use different methods of the social network analysis to identify sob-coomunities and influential weblogs within the whole network. Once the important blogs are identified, we use the netnography procedure to gain "consumer insights" which tell us what the consumer really think and what their needs, wishes, problems and questions are regarding the products. |  | Autor | Prof. Dr. Ralf Wagner Martin Klaus | | Artikel |  | Fachbereich |  | Fachrichtung | 2010 |  | Betriebswirtschaftslehre |  | Marketing/Absatz |
| | Schlagwörter | Closeness Centrality, High Degree Centrality, Marketing Communication, Social Network Analysis | |