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Environmental Performance Measurement
Descriptive Assessment
In the past, environmental management mainly focussed on the identification of ecologically ori-ented requirements made on enterprises by relevant stakeholders, on the development of related corporate strategies and also on the introduction of a corporate system of environmental mana-gement. Meanwhile, research shifted its focus onto the assessment of the actual results that are obtained with the introduction of an environmental management system as well as onto the de-termination of consistent criteria for the measurement, evaluation and assessment of these results (Environmental Performance Measurement (EPM)).

These criteria will allow internal and also external benchmarking.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Edeltraud Günther
Anke Sturm
Leistung, Messung, Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltbilanz, Umweltleistungsmessung, Umweltökonomie, Unternehmen